Monday, 4 August 2014

Important things to prevent vision damage- optician london

 Important things to prevent vision damage ???

There were a lot of reasons for vision loss. Some happens because of any chronic disease conditions whereas some other occurs suddenly. This may affect either eyes or single eye results in complete or partial vision loss. Trauma, infections, inflammation and aging process can cause vision loss.
Light travel through several transparent medium inside eye before it reaches retina. These mediums are cornea, lens, vitreous humor etc., anything that hinders light from passing these mediums can result loss of vision.
Some important diseases that causer vision loss are listed below;
a.     Age related macular degeneration that causes loss of vision in macula, which is responsible for seeing in central vision.
b.    Cataract or loosing transparency of cornea.
c.     Eye infection such as endophthalitis, keratitis or uveitis
d.    Eye trauma
e.    Eye tumors
f.     Glaucoma, which is condition that damages optic nerve, often as a reslt of increased pressure inside eye.
g.    Hardening of lens that lead to the decreased ability to focus   is called presbyopia.                                                                                       
h.    Myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia(farsightedness) and astigamatism or corneal irregularity.
i.      Vitreous traction or macular hole
j.      Retinal detachment due to the detachment of light sensing layer inside your eye from the blood vessel that provide oxygen and nutrients.
Vision loss can also be occurred as a result of body malfunctioning. Some other reasons that influence vision clarity are:
1.       Diabetes
2.       Hypertension
3.       Malnutrition
4.       Vitamin C deficiency
5.       Multiple sclerosis
6.       Migraines
7.       Inborn errors of metabolism

The best way of preventing condition is to go for an eye check up yearly even though you have a healthy eye. Since most of the eye diseases remains undetected for a long time if you do not consult doctor periodically. Another important factor of such visit is that the early detection and treatment of eye problems helps to cure most of the serious eye conditions. Some of the vision problems can be cured by medications or by surgery. But if the condition remains untreated for a long period, then the vision will lose permanently.
Another important thing that a person who have healthy eye can do is to adapt the measures and preventive techniques for vision loss. Adding food that contains omega3 and vitamin c in your daily diet is a good option for maintaining the healthy eyes and preventing early aging of eyes. Wearing eye glasses and branded sunglasses that can filter harmful ultra violet radiations from sun is also helpful measure for eye protection. Just go through the link and find best optician in opticians Kensington, opticians north London and opticians west London

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