Monday, 26 May 2014

Are you worrying about your vision problems and eye disorders ????
            Many reasons are behind vision problems diabetes, unhealthy food, smoking etc are the cause in the case of diabetes high blood sugar level forms diabetic retinopathy which cause many vision problem like vision lost and eve blindness. To prevent the these by carefully controlling of blood sugar levels also do annual eye examination . Cigarette smoking is extremely toxic which contain main toxic content which is very harmful to eye so avoid the smoking habit . Research  are now proved that junk food also a reason for the eye disease  new generations food habit is entirely different from the old ones now a days peoples are running for fast food and junk foods because of their busy life . These is the one of the resone behind the eye problems . Cataracts, Glaucoma, Retinal disorders are the main eye diseases . First two are the dangerous eye problems and which required an immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist and the third one is not such as dangers when compare with other problems . In the case of Retinal disorders should consult a eye specialist too.
  There is a good method to protect your eye from uv rays and other un wanted rays that coming from sun use sunglass varieties of sunglass are now available in market choose the appropriate one that is matching to your face. Sunglass which are acting like a protective shield to your eye , more over which avoid the direct contact with the eye and the sun rays. Most of them are confused to choose the proper eye wares choose the proper one that one which is match to your face varieties of designer frames are available in market choose the proper one .Spectacles are using for the persons having poor vision like long site short site etc using a rimless glass looks more beautiful when compare with other glasses. Peoples from different countries are coming to London for purchasing the sunglasses why peoples are choosing opticians in London ??? the reason behind that is they are the one of best opticians in the world . Ophthalmologist and optometrist which have a slight difference ophthalmologist who specialized in eye and vision care in the same way optometrist are healthcare profession doing primary vision care .Optician are trained technicians to design various lenses and other devices to correct eye sites one of the best reference



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